Every microtransaction added up, and the feeling of things becoming easier, getting something done and ticking things off the to-do list, gave me such momentum. (And yes, having a coffee was one of my microtransactions!)
Here are some examples of microtransactions that might help you to get things done:
- Doing one simple (and I mean simple) observation every day (often I would get into my obs once I started, but the goal was only one simple ob per day),
- Pre-preparing my lunch so I would actually eat,
- Making sure I went to bed early the night before,
- Planning my weekly menu (this is gold, because you can plan easy meals on late afternoons, or when you have sports to go to),
- Planned to use my slow cooker (and made pre-prepared packets so I could just pull a pack out of the freezer the night before, then dump and run in the morning),
- Put a load of washing on the night before so it was ready to hang out first thing,
- Purposefully stopped, straightened my spine, opened my chest, and took 3 deep breaths,
- Promised myself I would have an uninterrupted cup of tea at rest time,
- Filled my water bottle up before I started work, and made sure I drank it by lunch,
- Picked out my clothes the night before
These are just a few of the things I did when I could to make my day run smoother and to help me feel like I was getting somewhere. It also meant I was looking after my physical needs and my mental health. Can you see how doing these really simple and easy tasks can set you up for feeling good?
What are some simple things that you can turn into microtransactions? Things that will help you feel like you have more space in your day, and over time will add to your feeling of wellbeing.
Right now your wellbeing must be a priority. Our workload has not decreased, in fact, after the last two years, it feels like a mountain! Finding these tiny windows where we can bring ease into our day is essential.
What are some microtransactions you have come up with? Let us know below!