$1,299.00 AUD

  1. This Agreement is between you and Big Hearted Education(us, we or our) and relates to your participation in our program known as “Essential Elements ” (Essential Elements).
  2. As a member of Big Hearted Education you understand information, techniques, skills and concepts shared by trainers and speakers and all audio and video recordings, on-line training videos, information, manuals, checklists, documents, websites and other materials (Program Materials) are for educational purposes only and not to be relied on as any type of professional or financial advice.
  3. Recording equipment of any kind is not allowed during Big Hearted Education presentations in-person or online streaming events. An official recording will be made by us and once edited, it will be uploaded to the Big Hearted Education website where appropriate.
  4. Essential Elements, the Program Materials, and usernames and passwords provided to you are confidential and must not be given to or shared with people outside the Big Hearted Education The only exception to this is you may share relevant information with your staff for the purposes of them implementing the ideas shared into your business.
  5. No part of Big Hearted Education or the Essential Elements Program Materials may be copied, modified, licensed, published, transmitted, distributed, uploaded, broadcast, on-sold or otherwise transferred without our prior consent. We or our licensors own all intellectual property rights in Essential Elements and the Program Materials. Furthermore, video files may not be downloaded from our site and doing so may lead to legal action.
  6. Essential Elements is a 12-month program. Payments must be made at the beginning of each calendar month. There are no cancellations, hold-periods or refunds during this time. Should your credit card expire, you will be required to supply new details that will take you up to the end of the agreed payment period. We reserve the right to suspend your access to the program until your payments are up to date. During this initial 12 month period we reserve the right to assess individual memberships in cases of extenuating and or extraordinary circumstances and if an early termination of membership is agreed upon by both parties in writing, a contract exit fee of the balance of the quarter you give notice in (the current workbook you are in) will be charged and payable to Big Hearted Education within 7 days, or by other arraignment agreed upon by both parties.
  7. Big Hearted Education Members understand that all our events and platforms are for the purpose of business and education training and general networking. As such you agree to conduct business within the community in a professional manner and not overtly sell your side hustle products or services, unless invited to do so. Furthermore, within our Facebook Group, politics, religious views, MLM promotion and offensive material are banned. If conduct is deemed to be unacceptable and is not corrected after notice, we reserve the right to cancel your membership.
  8. You understand that Big Hearted Education will be taking photos and filming all live events. This footage may then be used for the creation of marketing content, online videos or physical products. You give permission for this to occur.
  9. No representations or warranties are made with respect to the results to be obtained from participating in Big Hearted Education.
  10. This Agreement is governed by the laws of Queensland, Australia.
  11. By becoming a member of Big Hearted Education you agree to the above points of the Agreement. Should you have any questions, please contact us via phone or email.

Essential Elements - One Off Payment


  • One hour one on one coaching session before end of 2023 (valued at $250)
  • One 15 minute call with Victoria to be used in the 12 months from joining
  • Free access to all monthly masterclass sessions
  • Free access to our monthly Q and A sessions
  • Three workbooks delivered to your door during the course
  • 12 months access to the Essential Elements course content
  • Access to the supportive Essential Elements Facebook community