New Year, New Focus: What will your word for 2024 be?

Season #3

Hello there, It's Victoria here, and I'm delighted to be back in the podcast chair after a little break. I've missed our chats, and I'm buzzing with excitement to share my plans for the year with you. I'm keeping our podcast sessions to a cosy 20 minutes, so you can fit a dose of inspiration into your busy schedule. Today, I want to share something deeply personal yet universally applicable – the idea of choosing a 'word for the year.' Think of it as your personal mantra, the feeling that will guide you through the year, influencing your decisions and actions. For me, it's not just one but two words that I couldn't resist bending the rules for: "Purposefully Strategic." These words are my anchor, something to come back to whenever I feel like I'm veering off course. I was inspired by a beautiful piece I read at a friend's place, which sparked a profound realisation about the courage it takes to be oneself. It touched on embracing strengths, facing fears, and nurturing oneself – a message I believe we could all benefit from, especially as dedicated family daycare educators. We often pour so much into others that we forget to refill our own cups. But remember, to provide the best care and education for the little ones, we need to start with ourselves. It's about knowing who we are and being comfortable in our own skin, which, in turn, teaches children to do the same. This year, I'm looking at every aspect of life through the lens of being 'purposefully strategic.' Whether it's committing to family dinners, planning for personal growth, or scheduling time for mental well-being, I'm making sure each action has a clear intention behind it. Those aspects are Family Health Vocational Purpose Mental Finances Spirituality Friends Time I encourage you to join me in this practice. What will your words be for 2024? Let's make this the year where we not only set goals but create a sustainable, fulfilling rhythm to our lives – both professionally and personally. So, if this idea resonates with you, I'd love for you to adopt it too. It could be your compass in those moments when you feel lost, a way to recenter and move forward with clarity and purpose. Thank you for joining me today, and I'm eager to hear what your 'word of the year' might be. Share it with me, and let's make it a part of our journey together. Big Love, Victoria #bigheartededucation #FDC #FDCeducator #PurposefullyStrategic #NewYearNewFocus